October 29th
A traditional welcome with flowers and sandalwood, a welcome Karakaatam dance(a folk dance in Tamilnadu),a bangle shop ,men and women in sarees and dhotis formed the entrance - not to a village but to Hotel Green Park in Chennai.
The village aroma spread everywhere and all of us where part of it as we celebrated our company's annual day.The event had the concept of village for which the preparations started around two weeks back. We were split up into 4 teams based on colors Red as Redipatti, Yellow as Peelapuram, Pink as Pinkaloor and Green as Tirupachi. The event day centered around four major events - Dance, a short film trailer for 5 minutes, fashion show and a group song.
We traveled way back to good old school and college days and whistles, hooting & cheering were a part of the daily work schedule.We spent long hours to first decide a theme for the movie, analyze it, decide the write up, dialogues, characters, music etc...We even had a one day shoot out in a village for the 5 minute movie. My god... movie making is not a joke.If a five minute movie needs such long dedication the real pains for a three hour movie and that too when it’s your bread earner!! I vowed not to watch movies in pirated DVDs anymore.
A folk dance, fashion show casting milk man, farmer and dhobi, a village based movie all together it was a wonderful experience still lingering our minds. Not to forget the new found friends and well wishers.
Did my team win? Of course, I belonged to the RED team & we bagged two prizes.But does winning matter when it was like a refreshing rain amidst the hot sun?
P.S: I had wanted to write this post for so long (since Oct 29th of course) & finally made it. Better late than never :)