After a nearly month long break I'm back & yes it feels very nice to pen my thoughts again & that too with my new DELL pink laptop :-) !
Life took a little bend in its way & here I am, away from work , in a new land enjoying everyday as a home maker.
What best way to kick start my hide out other than a tag- a perfect ice breaker ?
Here I am with this tag I took up from Ramya's blog.
As with every tag this one has its own set of rules which are as follows :
- Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
- They have to be real… nothing made up!
- If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.
- You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
- What is your name: Daisy Blue
- A four Letter Word: Dude
- A boy’s Name: David
- A girl’s Name: Divya
- An occupation: Dentist (Effect of being to one recently ;) )
- A colour: Dark blue
- Something you wear: Dress (it counts :D)
- A food: Dosa
- Something found in the bathroom: Dettol
- A place: Denmark
- A reason for being late:Drunken driver :P
- Something you shout: Donkey !
- A movie title: Die Hard
- Something you drink: Diet coke(Yet to have one though)
- A musical group: Deep Purple
- An animal: Deer
- A Street name: Denver street
- A type of car: Dodge
- A song title: Do you Know (Enrique)
- A verb:Drink
And thus ends my post .
I'm not passing this tag on to specific people, if you like the tag just take it & have fun ! Might have to use google to complete fast ;-) !!