The railway station master scanned him up & down.The guy looked dejected & he pitied him.He was wearing a blue suit that was drenched in sweat.
"Please have some water sir, the police inspector will be here soon" the station master offered.
"No thanks", he refused politely.
"The world is very corrupted sir, you shouldnt believe anybody..."
"Yes ! I know but he looked like a nice fellow.. though his clothes were bit dirty , he sure looked like an ingenious young lad.."
"How much did you lose sir?"
"Oh dont remind me.. I had my hard earned money in there,I worked really hard to achieve the things .. what will I tell to my ailing mother, Oh god please help me.. " he took out his handkerchief & wiped his face.
"Dont worry sir, our police will surely catch him,its a pity that he ran before you could realise that your belongings were stolen.. "
"Indeed he is such a smart fellow.. "
They were interrupted by loud foot steps. The police inspector entered along with a man who was about to faint any moment.
"Oh dear inspector what have you done to the guy.. "
"It was a child's play..we have caught him red handed before he could escape .. all your belongings are here ..please check them.."
His face brightened & he rushed to check his baggage.
"Thank you so much officer,for making it happen in a real short time..everything is perfect.." "You can make an official complaint here.."
"No sir, I do not want to a spoil a man's life..I think you have already given a good lesson to him.."
"You are such a generous man sir.."
"Haha...I'm so obliged to you sir,this is my visiting card,do come for any help.."
He left cheerfully handing a tip to the station master.
Three hours later,
"Inspector,the man has woken up.. " that was the station master.
"You culprit .. you are a lucky fellow, because of the good man you are free to leave now..."
The culprit started laughing,first slowly and then increased the sound until the rooms rocked wildly with his laughter.
"Are you not interested in leaving" shouted the inspector.
"Why should I ? I'm here to give a complaint, that was my belongings you gave to the crook"
"You are welcome to do any tests to confirm the identity"
After a brief consultation and a couple of phone calls, the very intelligent officer said,
"Er..We are very sorry.. its a case of mistaken identity..mm..err..but..but..why didnt you protest??"
"Was there any chance?!" he told touching his bruises.
The police inspector sat in silence.
The station master looked at his tip;he wondered if that was a geniune note.