I watched Pachaikili Muthu charam(Initially Silandhi) on the first week of its release,being
an ardent fan of Gautham Menon.And here goes my personal review for the movie.
Pachaikili Muthucharam,a beautiful title,is inspired by the book Derailed by James Siegel.The plot of the movie is how the happy family of Venkatesh(Sarath Kumar),Kalyani(Andrea) and their son Nanda gets altered when Nanda is diagnosed with Junior Diabetes and then Geetha enters Venkatesh's life as a co-passenger in a commuter train.Subsequently the entry of Milind Soman who comes as a blackmailer and how Venkatesh overcomes all these & gets his family back is what is Pachai killi Muthu Charam in a nut shell. The film starts well in the usual Gautham style but pace slows down later till the interval.After that though the film catches pace it is not so gripping and icy to hold you down to your seats.The cast have done their role very neatly and I will give by first credit to Milind Soman. He has a made a great debut in Tamil and yes even villains can be handsome
Sarath has played the role of a simple medical rep and he has done a brilliant job. Andrea and Jothika have done justice to their roles.The music score by Harris Jayaraj is very soothing and is the catcher of the movie.The movie could have been better with more depth to hold the audience .And sadly the dialogues aren't so catchy like other Gautham movies!
Altogether it doesn't produce the effect of having watched a Gautham Menon movie but sure it is a movie worth watching.Watch this movie
- To see a different experiment by Gautham
- To see Jothika in a negative character
- To see SarathKumar in pant&shirt rather than naatamai style dresses
- To see the lovely Andrea & handsome Millind Soman and finally
- To hear the wonderful music by Harris
veerasamy is the best Tmovie... :D he he he
i think from now its better to browse your blogs to know the latest updates of movies too!!!
Hei.. rnt u having work in office?? surprised to see you writing big big informative blogs..
Gr8 going :))
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