9:30 PM
I was lying down in a mattress which had some funny patterns made of light green and cream colors. I could see stars above my head spread across the wide,dark velvety black sky. Some stars stood out from the rest owing to their brightness and they seemed like beauty pageant winners.
This scene above was neither a dream nor a story.Such was the beauty of the sky last night.I could trace only one of the two constellations that I knew-The Big dipper though in an inverted position.A giant spoon which could scoop a heap , had the sky been an icecream!!
I closed my eyes wanting to observe the nature's silence.
First I heard the whooz sound of an airplane,followed by rumbling noise of a train,making me realize the proximity of the airport and a railway station!!A jazz or rock could not beat the sound emerging from the horns of the innumerable vehicles on the road.Then there were the loud thuds,very heavy and continuous courtesy the constructions that never seem to end.
Has nature's sound changed with time?!
I was standing in the signal waiting for the green arrow to the right. A lady was standing few meters beside me & looked perplexed. Not a veteran, I could not realize what was coming ahead.So when this lady came and asked for a drop to the near by bus stop I was rather shocked.
May be the fact of having a vehicle hit my senses just then!!
And thus my first lift to a stranger !!
A recent comment from my friend made me realize that its been long since I wrote a book review!!
And here it goes about the book "Swimming underwater" by Sheena Joughin.
I got this book on my first visit to the British Council Library.Having no clue either about this book or its author , I took it for the intriguing prologue & the very attractive flowery front cover!!
The book is a first person narrative of Ruth, a 30 something female,& enlists her day to day happenings revolving around her boyfriend,his sister,& a dying friend.
In between the narration, the author dates back to the past introducing us to Ruth's mother who is an orderly doctor,her very odd Aunt who smokes cigars all the time & types poems,Aunts friend Diane who is rich & stylish & then her attractive son Gray with whom Ruth establishes an untold relationship.
In a sudden turn around of events, Gray enters Ruth's life again and Ruth is tormented between reality & love.The transition between the past & present is absolutely fantastic and each character is in itself a poem. Even the very complex situations are handled with utmost control & grace which makes the book stand out from the rest.All is fair in love & war - does it hold true every time? Find out in this amazing novel by the winner of the London Short Story Competition.
For some odd reason she was in this place full of people!!! There were rocks everywhere -some brown, some black and some even green!! And as she climbed those rocks, she went higher & higher until she felt like a flying bird. The giant sea beneath was gigantic with its white waves roaring with laughter. What a spectacular sight!!
Just then a part of water from the sea rose upwards like a big hose pipe & splashed into the sky. The crowd panicked and started to run. Screams such as "Tsunami" , "Earthquake" were flying all around.
Before she could realize anything, someone dragged her & she had to run along. The run seemed like a big marathon but in the end she made it.She was one among the few who had managed to come out of the tragic disaster that had occurred few minutes back.
She felt shaky yet relieved.She took out her mobile & tried to reach anyone near & dear... This scene above happened to occur in my sleep in a state called "dream".And the she is ofcourse ME !!
The sun was yet to come out from its secret hideout between the clouds.The bright orangish yellow light covered the water like a blanket,enhancing its beauty.
An old grandpa was walking using a stick in hand & earphones in his ears.Few teenage boys were roaring with laughter and played cricket with vibrant energy. A middle aged woman seemed isolated with deep concentration in her morning yoga.One very fat lady,dragging her rather thin maid was collecting shells .
A couple was sitting in the sand & chatting quietly amidst the roaring waves. Cleaners were busy with their work ,picking up all the chocolate wrappers,empty coke bottles & lays covers ,which seemed to be like a mountain.Two stray dogs were running & fighting, not giving a damn to all these people around.It was 5:45 AM and yes,I was at the beach.
I had always been intrigued with the way wikipedia works ,managing its infinite users. My interests grew even more with the recent wikicamp held in Chennai & the subsequent reviews.It was then I came to know about a new term called unconference !!And now I'm a proud wiki member and have my own page in blogging wikia. Though right now this has nothing but my blog feeds.
My wiki page
Wiki pages have this powerful versioning feature that versions every saved page in its history folder. I understood its immense power when I deleted some lines in a wrong page!!
I have even enlisted my name in the blogging wikians
I love travelling by trains especially long distances.Since I started working, it has become a rather monthly routine and the excitement has become little less;it is just another journey home.This Friday when I boarded my usual over night train I didn't realize that it will end up as one of my irritating ones!!There was this guy who was talking non - stop (literally .. .!!!
) to every person in the compartment. Not only was he non stop, but also with a voice that seemed to have swallowed a mike.
I donned a DUMB look rather than my usual reclusive persona & turned console towards my book. He was such a person who was trying very much to grab a conversation with any living soul possible!!When I returned from a 5 minute break,Mr. non stop : You going to sit here...Me: .. Mr. non stop: Going to read.. ??Me: ..Mr. non stop : You can take my berth its lower.. you needn't climb up Me:No thanks.Mr non stop : I guess it will be convenient for you .. cause..Me : ..
I just climbed to my berth , (thanking god that its upper ) and went into my silent slumber.!!
Just added a colorful background to my plain header. Always wanted to add one ; but never knew a proper method do execute it.Stumbled upon this site blogger tips & tricks by Peter Chen and included my forest background using this post.The catch here will be finding the image with a proper size suitable for your blog header.In case you just think "Man, every time my image is crushed due to my header height", no worries. Just go to edit html under template and look out for "#header". There include"height:150px ;" anywhere within { & }. You can change the number as you please.Did you find this useful, do leave a comment.
The episode with cat has become a very irritating phenomenon. Just this Sunday morning I discovered that the cat was indeed making full use of my vehicle. My seat was decorated with its dirty hair all over. And I don't need a paw printed seat for god's sake
I decided that something has to be done for this cat-saga else I would end up having a new cover design with cat prints. So last night I didn't use the cover which Mr(or Miss?!)cat was using as its den. Dust from wind now seemed much better than cat designs!! And hurray.. today morning was such a relief. No fear of cat sprawling on me or the added duty of cleaning some sticky hair. I became a wicked girl by destroying a cats shelter!!
At times little wickedness wont do any harm I guess!!