There were rocks everywhere -some brown, some black and some even green!! And as she climbed those rocks, she went higher & higher until she felt like a flying bird. The giant sea beneath was gigantic with its white waves roaring with laughter. What a spectacular sight!!
Just then a part of water from the sea rose upwards like a big hose pipe & splashed into the sky. The crowd panicked and started to run. Screams such as "Tsunami" , "Earthquake" were flying all around.
Before she could realize anything, someone dragged her & she had to run along. The run seemed like a big marathon but in the end she made it.She was one among the few who had managed to come out of the tragic disaster that had occurred few minutes back.
She felt shaky yet relieved.She took out her mobile & tried to reach anyone near & dear...
This scene above happened to occur in my sleep in a state called "dream".
And the she is ofcourse ME !!
Hey Gomathy ...good to catch u too !! I like ur books review page !! Count on me for frequent visits !! And my next read will be umm...the yellow book, u had reviewed on....wht was that....Undomestic....umm...something :)) Way to go !!
oh god.. here also u r saved.. bad, bad, very bad[:p]
Thanks..that reminds me that I havent written a book review for long :)
Mr Devil.. u sure seem to add justice to ur name !!
Hilarious ! Your morning walks to beach is the reason for such a dream :)
Thanks Nithya :)
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