Friday, July 27, 2007
First Woman President
I do not want that name to be associated with Prathiba Patel, our new President. Yes, I would like to have a woman as a President but someone who is more powerful & intelligent. May be Kiran Bedi, I adore her. But they wouldn't even give her the Commissioner role in Delhi,forget President.
I just saw that the minimum age limit for a President is 35 years. So why not someone young & vibrant? All these are just questions that will never be answered.
So now coming to this new President of ours ..
She is a lawyer,thats good,so needn't teach her to be cunning huh?
She tells people not to wear purdah but she roams around with her head covered up, I wonder why(too much sun?!)

Yet today she is the President. Noone was able to stop her.
And now it looks like India is ruled by a single person-Mrs.Sonia Gandhi.
If I had been a cartoonist I would have very well drawn a big image of Sonia with puppets of the PM & President dancing in her hands.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Station

"Please have some water sir, the police inspector will be here soon" the station master offered.
"No thanks", he refused politely.
"The world is very corrupted sir, you shouldnt believe anybody..."
"Yes ! I know but he looked like a nice fellow.. though his clothes were bit dirty , he sure looked like an ingenious young lad.."
"How much did you lose sir?"
"Oh dont remind me.. I had my hard earned money in there,I worked really hard to achieve the things .. what will I tell to my ailing mother, Oh god please help me.. " he took out his handkerchief & wiped his face.
"Dont worry sir, our police will surely catch him,its a pity that he ran before you could realise that your belongings were stolen.. "
"Indeed he is such a smart fellow.. "
They were interrupted by loud foot steps. The police inspector entered along with a man who was about to faint any moment.
"Oh dear inspector what have you done to the guy.. "
"It was a child's play..we have caught him red handed before he could escape .. all your belongings are here ..please check them.."
His face brightened & he rushed to check his baggage.
"Thank you so much officer,for making it happen in a real short time..everything is perfect.." "You can make an official complaint here.."
"No sir, I do not want to a spoil a man's life..I think you have already given a good lesson to him.."
"You are such a generous man sir.."
"Haha...I'm so obliged to you sir,this is my visiting card,do come for any help.."
He left cheerfully handing a tip to the station master.
Three hours later,
"Inspector,the man has woken up.. " that was the station master.
"You culprit .. you are a lucky fellow, because of the good man you are free to leave now..."
The culprit started laughing,first slowly and then increased the sound until the rooms rocked wildly with his laughter.
"Are you not interested in leaving" shouted the inspector.
"Why should I ? I'm here to give a complaint, that was my belongings you gave to the crook"
"You are welcome to do any tests to confirm the identity"
After a brief consultation and a couple of phone calls, the very intelligent officer said,
"Er..We are very sorry.. its a case of mistaken didnt you protest??"
"Was there any chance?!" he told touching his bruises.
The police inspector sat in silence.
The station master looked at his tip;he wondered if that was a geniune note.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
My blog's makeovers
I think you are really very lucky to have such a good owner who gives you new trendy looks as fashion changes
Like any other first time blogger, I choose the minima template initially,
Now I really got bored with the minima look & wished to add some color to you, so I ended up with the three-column dots template,
When I realized that you needed another change, I choose this professional three-column rounder template,
Your loving,
Monday, July 23, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Salman Khan – Being Human

He is launching a non-profit organization for under privileged children & its called “Being Human” . Also he plans to hold an exhibition of his paintings (Yes he paints very well.)& raise funds for the organization.
He also held a special screening of his new film partner for disabled children.
Very few know that he is already involved in a number of charity works indirectly.
He is one upright person who simply cannot hide his feelings.
Some excerpts from a site,
Recently when asked if he would do a film with Abhishek Bachchan, Salman said “Why would I have a problem with Abhishek?”
However he definitely did not share the same feelings for actors John Abraham and Vivek Oberoi. On John Salman said “There is no equation, I don’t know that man.” And as for working with Vivek Oberoi in his trademark sarcastic style he said “Who’s that, Oh little Vivek, that idiot! Of course not.”
And now that’s Sallu & I like him for that.
Trivia: His new film partner with Govinda shares the story line with Hollywood movie Hitch starring Will Smith.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Companion
I'm lying down in my bed , with my night lamp on.
My roomie is already in her second stage of sleep(she sleeps at 9 )
My hand is holding Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey.
At this moment I'm alone with this companion,
Thats my room's fan(fan->not equal to the fans in orkut),and the sound accompanies even my dreams.
P.S: Please bear with the sound quality, I couldn't reach like a giraffe.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The wedding - a story
"Where are you running.."
"Rain is sure to come.."
"Everything will be ruined.."

He was standing alone & looked taller than usual.He was often compared with Brad Pitt ;such was his charisma.He had a small stubble in his face giving him that boy-next-door look.His greenish blue eyes always lingered even in a stranger's mind. They made the perfect pair & now they were getting married.
The time had come for them to take the dais.He was already standing there with a sensual smile.He had done this a lot of times & knew by heart what is expected of him. She walked the carpet with flowers all around.She also knew how to do this perfectly & this was like a walk in the cake.
Finally they said "I Do" & the Priest pronounced them Husband & Wife.The huge applause that followed overpowered nature's roaring thunders.
"Cut.. excellent shot madam.. "
"Very well done sir.."
"Tomorrow the schedule is at 10 AM.. and that will be the last shot of the film.."
It was the director who instructed the versatile actors & walked away with a satisfactory smile.Indeed his job was done.
The two actors were standing alone. He took out a paper from his pocket & handed it to her. "Sign it..I will get it tomorrow..& dont forget tomorrow is the last the way you did a great job today.."
"Thanks.. you also did a wonderful shot..dont worry I wont forget our last day.."
she smiled sarcastically.
"Ok bye then.. " He left as he always did.
She was looking at the divorce papers in her hands. A drop of water touched them. Was that a tear or the rain?She started walking without answering.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Bin Laden's 51 year old DIL
I read this news in few newspapers. Though all of them carried the same details , none of them flashed the photographs.
Very curious about this 51 year old granny who could bowl over a 27 year old man & the man ,the son of the very (in)famous, most wanted criminal till date I googled and found these pictures of Mrs Felix-Browne & Omar Osama Bin Laden.
Extra scoops..
- This is Omar's 2nd marriage & Felix's 5th (or is it 6th..)
- Mrs Felix now uses an Islamic name Zaina Mohamad
- Their "fairy-tale" romance seemed to have started the moment Omar saw her riding a horse (Whew.. . )
- Mrs. Felix is a Parish Counselor while Omar works as a scrap metal dealer
- She is a granny & he is one among the 17 (& still counting..) children of Osama
Between,I wonder how Osama looked when he was 27.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Stephanie - Part III - THE END

"Why,... I want daddy.. !!! "
"Now now.. whats this coming from the eyes ...I know that you dont cry .."
"I'm not crying.." "Dont you want this??"
"Iceeee cream..........Thank you uncle!!"
"Hmm now thats a good girl.. come lets go see your small little sister..."
"WHAT""Yes!! you have become the big sister now..and dad is in the hospital with them! we will just meet them in a few minutes."
Steph surely had not expected the "new arrival" so soon. She was shocked and looked quite perplexed.
The sky looked gloomy in gray colored suit.Steph was peeping through the car window. She saw kids of her age playing in a park. Big boys were playing some game with a ball.
"The game which dad sees in TV" thought Steph.
They crossed another small park and Steph saw a little girl shorter than herself, pushing something very big. The girl was smiling and looked contended; she was wearing a white frock with frills.
"What long Rapunzel.." Steph wondered before turning her attention to what the girl was pushing.Below was a blue pram inside which a small baby ,nearly the size of her mom's hand,was lying down amidst a huge chunk of soft pillows and teddys.

"My sweet little sister..when are you going to call my name.. "
"Here hold my finger.."
she said & the baby grabbed her thumb and gave a cute lazy smile.
"Ahem..a long wait in the signal huh Steph.."
"Lets speed up now"
That was uncle George whose words jolted Steph back to her car.
"Uncle George..!!"
"Yes sweetheart.."
"Did you see it..??"
"It??Oh the baby yes just had a look.. & she looks sweet just like you "
Steph smiled for the first time since morning.
"Will she hold my finger if I give her.. "
"Hmm will she not love to do that to her big sister??"
"Go fast uncle I want to see her soon"
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
"IT happened"
Sometimes the answer is "YES" and sometimes the answer is "NO".
But hey I am not here to state the disadvantage and advantage of this IT. This post targets people who think that all people working in IT are selfish & mean minded and they sit on top of the loads of money they earn.Majority of the people who think like that, first of all do not know the difference between a call center employee and a Software professional.(No offense meant for call center employees)
I just saw a serial aired in the local channel with the title as "Software" but the whole story was running around a callcenter. See I told you right??
Real estate prices have been increased because of IT boom.
ok ! So why are you targeting the people??Go and fight with the government that welcomes the MNCs to make stringent rules.
IT guys get to have both Saturday & Sunday off. That is true, but do you know we have to adjust to the client timings and attend calls (You do not know what is attending a call , forget it ) at 7:00 AM & 11:00 PM even if its on the same day.
I could go on & on & counter attack all the accusations.But I'm stopping here to convey a very important point.
"Hi Team, I was confident that we would step up to the occasion and help out people with a need. You have pleasantly surprised us by seriously taking this up and closing out within 2 hours of opening the window."
This is a mail from my company's Center head. He is not talking about any movie tickets for Sivaji or Harry Porter. This is in response to the following ,
So all those people who hate IT & target the people working there, its high time that you jump from our well.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Stephanie-Part II

"Hey Steph!!Wait for me" that was Michelle,her best friend.
"Michelle you have a bike...!!!!"
She looked at Michelle.She was trying to park her bike.Her small lovely curls danced in her dark skin.She had a polka dotted bag with " This bag belongs to Michelle Derkins" written on top of it. She smiled at Steph.
"Michelle looks happy with her new bike" thought Steph,"atleast she neednt worry about sharing it with anyone."
"So Michelle..!!you have a new bike.."
"No.. thats my sis"
"Oh.. "
"Yeah my elder sis..she is grown up now & doesnt need it anymore..thats what dad told"
"But..dont you need a new one ??"
"Nah...I'm..hey I hear the bell..lets rush "
Steph was lost in her wonderland like Alice(in wonderland).She was fidgeting in her seat.
"My name is Stephanie Tanner "
"Now isnt that the shortest introduction we have ever heard Ms Tanner.."
That was Miss Velma -the prettiest teacher of her school. She was wearing a knee length pleated skirt .Her hair was short and blonde.Steph always thought she looked like her mom. But definitely not today.
"Miss Velma's stomach doesnt look like Santa" she grumbled .
"Did you tell me something Steph..."
"Hmm .. no .. we are having someone new in our house"
"Oh.. dont tell me that its a pet is not allowing me to keep one.."
"Err..No Michelle.. I will be having a younger sister or brother soon.."
"Oh that's lovely Steph !!you could boss around her whole day.."
"Boss around her.. !!!!!"
"Yes!Like my sister.."
"Oh does she??! "
"Yes!! and she gets to do all the things first! Can you believe she gets a very big room and I'm left with the smallest room of the house.."
"That looks bad..."
"Yes thats the advantage of being a nosy sister.."
"So do you like her at all.."
"Hmm let me think..I do like her... because she makes me these little chocolate cookies..see wanna bite.. yummy.."
" thanks"
"Hey ..last night mom got a teddy from someone and I happened to keep that ..and I've named him Browny.. wait till I show you.." "Ok Steph see ya.. "
"Bye.. "
Steph waved at Michelle and stood pondering over the conversation.She looked confused.
"Being a big sister might be fun afterall " she thought.
"But I dont want to lose things like Mr Browny"
She saw her car coming and just hoped that her dad would clarify all her doubts.
"Hey Steph.."
"Now thats not dad's voice "
"Uncle George..!!where is dad?!"
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Gingerbread Woman

Clara,is a 30 something woman who has a crisis which is known only to her doctor.She loves to take long strolls & hates when her mother calls her to give a gingerbread jar.
Lawrence,is a man with a dog.He runs away from his parents to this distant land Dublin. He is unable to digest the grief given by God.He hates everybody except his dog.
Clara & Lawrence meet by accident in a park.Clara gives him an accommodation in her house. The story line is as simple as that.
There are three parts in this well written script. The first part revolves around Clara's past , the second one travels to Lawrence past & the third one deals the present involving the two, Clara's doc , Clara's mom and ofcourse Lawrence's dog. The transition between these worlds is so spectacular that it gives the pace of a thriller.
The story explores all the hard things & the deep emotions of life. Two people try to find console & overcome their loss even without much communication. And nope.. there is absolutely no romantic relationship between the two or is it there?? This intrigues the reader very much!!
Some people might also consider this as a light philosophical read.
Nevertheless, this is one amazing novel by Jennifer Johnston.