She never knew the concept of multitasking in computer terms but she did the exact thing by balancing between her work,family apart from being a writer and a good singer.
After working for nearly twenty eight years and setting an example for many people including me, she has taken voluntary retirement from her service. When friends and colleagues appreciated & praised her on the graceful occasion,she was moved to tears.
Expressing her gratitude for all her colleagues and thanking her husband and family she stood like a shining star on the stage.
This post is dedicated to my sweet mom who recently retired from BSNL after working for 28 years & to my wonderful dad for supporting her throughout.
Love you both!!
I remember her being nice n caring every time I used to visit ur place. Congratulations to her on this occassion. Salaam Namaste to all moms who are simply the reason for making us what we are today !!!
Happy New Year Scribbler..and am back
don't know what u say at occasions of retirement but wow....28 yrs is a long long time!
U r one proud gal and rightfully so!
Happy new year.
Give her my wishes for a peaceful retired life...
So this is the reason behind al those post. seems the old quote "Behind ever successful man is a women" should be rewritten as "Behind every Great blogger is a women"
Happy new year to you too!!
Congratulations to her!
nice picture too
touching.. its beena long long time gomz.. but you still have that magical touch in writing
Good to see you back honey
Yeah a very long time indeed..!!
Wish u the same
Thanks :)
she must be a role model to you.
Hey write some good story.. its time now fora post !!!
Yeah she is..!!
Sure buddy..will do that soon :)
My wishes to her for a peaceful retired life :)
Girl power is good, to be honored. for a women to achieve such feat must have been hard. but as a role model she has created a path for many women to follow.
this is why india has a brighter vision.
(i am not an indian, a singaporean, i see this from a 3rd party prospective)
its 2008 now ! wru
knock knock
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