Blog Devil(BD) : What a topic to discuss! Rats anyday blogging is a scum. And blog a Ton- what a name! These people are job less..
(Me:You are being watched buddy!)
Blog Angel(BA): Hey why do you tell that way, if not for blogging you would never be alive today
BD: Oh there she comes !! the sweet little Angel with her frilly frock..
(Me: I dont see any frills in the frock.. or Do I ?!)
BA:You can call me all you want , but I’m happy that I’m part of the blog world.. I have many friends to connect with..
(Me:Yup she is right)
BD:Friends !! mean. the ones who come to your blog & drop a line so that they get a reader .. ??They are not friends my dear they are selfish..
(Me: May be ??!)
BA: That is not being selfish that's acquaintance.. & you communicate with them and develop your friendship
(Me:There you go)
BD:Oh blah blah… see Daisyblue.. Always addicted and look how she is neglecting her work that earns her bread..
(Me: Oops hope my boss doesn't hear this)
BA:That is not true .. Daisyblue has revived her blog after a long energises her.. and her blog layout full of flowers wow!.. it does refresh me :-) !
(Me: ***giggling***)
BD:Huh and look how much time it takes to load in a browser.& how many people are trying to open it and waste the company’s bandwidth
(Me: Huh ?!)
BA: What does it matter when compared to the N number of movies people download over the net, Mr.Devil?
(Me: HeHeHe..clever girl)
BD:May be nothing, but people like daisyblue are just aloof. They are the ones who do not know how to mingle when they are single.. How does that sound my dear?!
(Me:Who said I'm single you freak ?!)
BA:Daisyblue is not Shilpa Shetty to shout that she is ready to mingle. Blogging is a way to express her feelings in words. That doesn't mean that these people sit quietly in a corner wherever they go
(Me:Way to go)
BD: You may not believe me but a study says so. It says that all lonely, depressed and passive people blog. They have a whole new character outside the blogosphere .
(Me:Split personality ..!?too much fiction )
BA:There is a proverb, "A person who doesn't know to dance, tells that the dais is crooked" you are the same & its a no use talking to an empty head so I bid you goodbye !
BD:I dont need your Good bye to end my day. I'm off from this stupid blogosphere..
Wow..that was such war of words in the middle of my blog! I'm happy to have the blog angel with me.But too much of the angel will eventually bore me out.
Whom to you like ? BA or the BD ? Pour in your thoughts
The fellow Bloga-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton are Arjuna, Saimanohar, Dhiman, Vipul Grover, Avdi, Sid 'Ravan' Kabe, Shankar, Shilpa Garg, Bharathi, Ranee, Ranee again and Pawan. Click on their respective names to read their posts on The Cream and Scum of Blogging. To be part of the next edition of this online marathon, visit and start following Bloga-Ton.
lol.. lol.. lol.. yeah rite i cant stop my lols.. gr8 execution! nd yeah BD is rite, um jobless indeed:)
bt yeah keep ur boss away frm this blogpost, or u mite bcum one too ;)
(nd plz start following the Blog-a-Ton.. tht helps us to keep a track of all members nd will keep u updated of upcoming events)
Nice way to put forth your thoughts. Good
Wow that was a very different approach to the Blog-a-ton 1 topic... being a relatively 'new' blogger I'll go with "BA" for sure till "BD" catches up you never know for its said we all have Dr. Jekyll Mr Hyde inside ;) ....
nevertheless a very nice one
Well Written,Gomz ! You know both of them are actually right. Sometimes I debate on the same points with the blogger in me. But yea, at the end of the day, just want to keep the writer alive and blogsville is to make friends with other fine writers like you... :) Keep going.
@ Vipul Grover
Yup sure Blog a Ton did help me when I neglected by blog.
Thanks :)
@ dmanji
BA sure influences us so much in the initial days ;-)
@ PurpleHeart
You are right Sandhya..if not for blogger I would not have known you after all these years :-)
Oh what would BD say if he found out I have 6 blogs and am actually contemplating a 7th?
And there's nothing wrong with my mental wellness--all of us within my head think they're fine!
So there you go, BD!!
:) Ranee
Haha.. that was nice.. but BA did not like that so much you know for what ;-)
Obviously BA gets my vote. I dont mind BD either at times, it helps in controlling excess. Afterall moderation is not just for the comments ;)
I thought everyone would go on in the same way, this is the most different kind of execution I have seen in a blog-a-ton, moreover I like the design of your blog!
Hmm... my comments do have moderation :)
Thanks thats a cream of blogging :-) !!
wow..great one..... thanks for visiting my blog..... you have written really well....hope you win blog a ton 1.....all the best..
WoW! This is the most different form of expression on the topic!!
Cool! :)
hey buddy, jus a day lft 2 declare Blog-a-Tonic of the Month.. I am sure u hv gone thru all d posts bt where's ur vote??? Plz vote 4 the post u likd d most.. othrs hav done it, so u too do ur part nd help in making Blog-a-Ton 1, a grand success:)
Cast ur vote here:
hi..thanks for voting to me.... I never thought i would get one vote...thanks a lot...
hahaha.. funny ladie
Awesome!I like BD all the way. A candid devil like that one is a keeper:)
Welcome buddy
@Shilpa Garg
Thanks :)
Welcome back..
This post is nice...:O
hey how come I missed ur blog??? For cream and Scum???
Did you submit late or anything???
I apologize if I did not visit before, although I ensured I visited every blog and post of Blogathon...pls pardon me, I really dunno how i missed dis...
@Sid 'Ravan' Kabe
No problem ! welcome to my blog :)
:) you really thought this over pretty well. nice debate. the blog devil was a bit mean though :D (shilpa shetty) ;)
lollzz....NIce one!
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