Friday, December 11, 2009

The wisdomless me

Oh yeah thats what I am!
I have been silent for a long time. My silence is not only in the blog world but also in my real world. Ni i'm not under any depression or anything. I do wish I'm back to my normal life..doing my own chores and eating whatever I like. But for the all the bad reason I'm unable to ..because I had my wisdom teeth removed :(

It was an one hour surgery in which they had to remove both my upper and lower wisdom tooth. Thanks to the painful injection for numbness(?), the surgery was painless.

I never thought I would go on for nearly a week of pain and agony but here I am still not recovered,
I have to spill some beans here. The tooth removal was not owing to any decay in my tooth, which normally people think it is, it is the weird behaviour of my teeth growth. 

I'm no doctor to remember the medical term, but the context happens to be that my tooth has grown under my gums,producing it impossible to get cleaned and thereby producing infections resulting in pain often.

And thats why they were such strong teeth,and wisdom as well. This resulted in the doctor pouring in more tools and digging deep inside. 
Oh my how much calcium had I eatend to keep them so strong !
So here am finally a lot better but still craving for some crunchy chewy food!!!

In all these mess, my only consolation is the postponing on this operation owing to our trip to Florida. I couldn't have imagine me roaming around in Disneyland with my swollen mouth. That would have been a nice sight for the kids out there !
I was planning to write a post on my Florida trip which I will soon, I hope but for now I wanted to put in this unforgettable picture from Disneyland,


Sh@s said...

aaawww...ingrowths are painful. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Sh@s said...

Hi! forgot to write....this template looks cool.

Gomathy S said...

Thanks for the comment on my template...yeah I'm better now!

Haddock said...

I wonder why its called a wisdom tooth when it is not wise enough to grow the right way.

Miss_Nobody said...

Tooth problems are ARGH.Lucky I never experienced it,seen my father suffer plenty.On the brighter side,don't you get to have a lot of icecreams?

PurpleHeart said...

aaaww...dear baby...are you okay? Florida sounds like a please. :)

Santosh said...

I think i also have the same problem. But i am trying to delay tooth extraction as much as i can. Disneyland is surely a place to enjoy.. hope you enjoyed it there!!

Anand said...

that's why I stick to the rule never go to the doctor no matter how worse you are. They make your life hell. I had severe pain in my tooth as well 2 year back and was brought to doctor forcefully. Doctor suggested removal of wisdom tooth. And I ran away immediately. Looking at your post and situation of other friends, I think doctors too have a workaround like SWE's. Whatever is the case go for removal of wisdom tooth. :P

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

I avoid going to dentists because the very thought freaks me out. I think it was wise that you confronted the situation bravely and I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

anupama said...

Dear Daisy Blue,
Good Evening!
hope you've recovered completely.going to a dentist is a sick feeling!
a beautiful snap from Disneyland.wishing you a wonderful journey,

Readers Dais said...


Hope your tastebuds have been saisfied by now... take care :)

Scribbler :) said...

poor you. I hope you have recovered now. Anything dental turns me mental (wow that rhymes!). So, hearfelt sympathies.

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

Ouch ! Sorry to hear that hope it's better now ?

Having had the joy of a dental appointment last week -- about the 10th this year, I can so feel your pain (literally). When I realized half of those 10 visits were scams -- deep cleaning, whitening et al, I started questioning them and they are squirming. Was told to get the wisdom tooth extracted. Asked "Is it impacted ?". Was told "No". I said "Then it's a NO as well.."

Usha said...

How painful, you have my sympathies! Take care, hope you feel better soon!

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Time you are back to blog world !!