Sunday, February 7, 2010

A change

As I look out of the window, there is the sun shining all along the horizon and birds are chirping happily.
At this time of the day a month back, this will look like a deserted arena,gloomy and dark after sunset. How I hated that time of the year. It was so different from a lively country like India.

But this is not the change that I'm going to pen in today. Its a change in my career...a milestone...a small one!

A few weeks back , after the new year of 2010 began, my first decision had been to write a mail to my manager with the subject "Resignation". Yes I have officially resigned from the services of the company in which I had been residing for 4+ years. And unlike the last time, I now do not have a job that I look forward to. I am perfectly jobless right now.

Some people call me crazy, some people envy me while my well wishers appreciate and feel happy for me. Most importantly I feel very very happy to have taken the role of the devoted wife who cannot bear the pain of leaving her husbnad and so does J.(or so he says ;)..)  Just kidding!! He was the most supportive husband in this whole job thingy.

The resignation process in itself was less painful for me, having done the the whole thing remotely sitting in the US. And thankful to the friends who took over in all the formalities on my behalf.

All in all , I am enjoying the break I have taken to the core. And I know that this is going to be a refreshing break once I start my career again.

I bet I need to have a resolution to update my blog regularly.

As far as the picture above,it was taken in a Butterfly house.The butterflies were fed with honey.Spoon feeding butterflies huh?


Compassion Unlimitted said...

A welcome break ,I guess,is definitely going to help you a great deal...enjoy


Geetha said...

This is defn a very good decision :-) I go for it :-) Enjoy and learn something new and utilise the time to the fullest

PurpleHeart said...

It is a golden change !! Imagine a life without having to rush for the morning meeting, longing to get back at least by 7 in the evening but mostly cannot and dreaming about Friday evenings on Monday mornings !!! This break is the BEST holiday ever !!! Live it out, Gomz !! This is just so cool. So what movie did you catch last night? :)

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

I'm sure you will do fine with the break and with he Career path you choose thereafter.

Keep your spirits high, eyes open, avenues will open up.

Good Luck Daisy ..

Anand said...

I know one thing - You will be missed on communicator. Do not go too far and do maintain the touch. You are one of the fantastic friends I made in my corporate life. Thanks for being so awesome.

Wish you the best for your future, I know you will rock. :-)

Scribbler :) said...

Great! I had taken a similar break...for 2 months or so. And I enjoyed it so much that have no regrets!

Make sure you do all that you have been planning to do for years...
read that book, write that blof, plant that tree, adopt that pet, join that salsa class, cook that recipe that takes 6 hours preparation time...

Have a great break!

Padhu Sankar said...

Lovely picture! Butterflies fed with honey !! New to your space .Do drop by
when time permits

Lakshmi said...

I took a decision too like this a couple of years ago..enjoy the break

Ash said...

Hey Daisy..... U r one talented gal..... Surely blooms all the way... I loved your write up..... I'm in here too.... :-)


Sh@s said...

Enjoy! the break. Soon u will b blooming all the way!!
I had no idea that butterflies can be fed honey. What a sweet way to start friendship with them.

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

Thank god, you had friends to help you out with the resignation process but most importantly, go easy on yourself. Enjoy your break and use it to blog more posts.

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

Enjoy this break and use it to add more blooms to this blog of yours.

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Daisy ,
A butterfly feeding on honey,hmmm good pic,Let this relaxing phase of ur life give u all the sweetness of honey and let ur mind fly around like a butterfly spreadinfg happiness...
Have a great time ahead... :)

Sum said...

A break once in a while is the most essential thing to keep up the energy levels high :)
All the best!

gwl said...

well done......

Anonymous said...

Nice to see...