Friday, June 22, 2007

Vote for Our Only Wonder

If you have already voted you are welcome to skip the post.
If my words sound Greek or Latin to you , then I order you to continue reading.
If a person could really miss this topic, inspite of the innumerable forwards & campaigns by the media, then I assume he/she was residing in the moon. Anyways here we go.

The wonders of the world seem to be a thing of past cause the buzz is the campaign for the new seven wonders of the world .
The New7Wonders Foundation, created by Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber, is the body behind the New7Wonders campaign and its motto is "OUR HERITAGE IS OUR FUTURE."
You can find all about it in this site.The new seven founders are formulated based on voting. You could either vote
  • Online just when you are reading this post
  • or call them up with your sweet voice
  • or sms & increase the count of the already overflowing messages
But remember-sms is the last option.

The Taj Mahal, is the ONLY contender from our Country and so patriotic people please do vote & retain its wonder status.

Couple of days back it was in 9th place but later in 3rd and now where it is no idea!! And the reason given by the site,
"The New7Wonders ranking update has been removed due to a large increase in voting volume, which is causing frequent changes in candidate positions. Many people are now voting by SMS text message in order to support their preferred candidates, so remember to use SMS as an alternative to online voting via the website."

Remember the dead line is JULY, 7th, 2007

The official declaration will take place in Lisbon,Portugal on Saturday, July 7, 2007 - 07.07.07.
7 wonders,on the 7th day of the 7th month on the 7th year(Wow!!). Also notice that I've marked in RED(7th color in VIBGYOR) (Thanks for the applause !!biggrin)

Trivia - Bipasha Basu is to co-host the event along with some Hollywood folks.


chronicwriter said...

i was born on a friday.. friday the 13th..friday is the seventh day of a week, if saturday is taken as the first day..again 13 is a prime number and so is 7. I am living in this world for 25 years. 2+5= 7.. i voted for taj 7 times...

ScRiBbLeR said...

Chriz.. "again 13 is a prime number and so is 7." way too much.. :)
.. keep them coming...

anirban said...


ScRiBbLeR said...

Thats great !